Saturday, December 25

100th post already~

moning dear readers,

what a date to get the 100th post~ i like~

the Royals Debating Championship has just ended. the seniors manage to break. CLAP CLAP.
i really2 envy them for being able to participate but no sweat, i shall join the 2011 Royals~ :D
congratz to the seniors, juniors and everyone for giving their best to the cause of the team!

i am tired right now. although my eyes cant sleep anymore.. getting used to the biological clock maybe.

right now, at my work place, i am seriously thinking back. what have i learn, for the past two years, that are implemented at this place. well, the name is already knowledge management department and i do have a major of the same name but i still not managed to see anything related to what i have studied.
to be frank, it seems like i am part of a committee of an event or club which needs some jobs to be done. that's all! you know, when you join an event or a club, all of your knowledge about academics are not largely used.
maybe later i must think of something technical.. perhaps..

well, for the 100th posts, i shall say that my brother has invited me to join fishing later this evening although i might not be going because i need to kemas2 this room here.. sigh..

haa! i got good news dear not-so-many-readers~~~
i have a car already~ under my name, and it is a viva elite exclusive edition with the colour purple-like-maroon. BLB 3679~
it is a blessing.. i m very2 fortunate to have got this car. alhamdullillah... btw, of course my mama is the one that pays for it. i just need to pay for the toll and fuel. fuh~

although the work at SC is not related to my field, not so much, but the working environment there is awesome~~ i have made many2 friends there. they all are very entertaining~ although they are very old, to my standards, but they behave like people of my age~ or the other way around though..
nonetheless, i shall cherish everything and everyone there. people there are awesome and friendly and never pushed me like i am an intern. to be frank, i dont even being treated like one. it is just that, i am the one that wants to be known as an intern.

well, like everyone always said, there are good times and bad times in life.. i just hope that the bad time is not as bad as it is..

what else? oh ya, today, my best buddy, gowe~ is getting engaged. and i cant go there. i m sorry my brother~ i promise u, your wedding, i shall come lightheartedly~ may your engagement brings happiness to my dear friend. what a date to be engaged~

oh ya, another note, i have been involved in an accident la.. very bad accident that i turned turtle for 360 degrees. the car has been a wreck. however, i am lucky that i managed to escape without any harm.. imagine, being in a car, then the car turn turtle, and managed to get back to its 4 tyres while the engine and radio are still on. i m a very lucky guy. even the doctor at the clinic also said that and i quote "Malaikat selamat kan awak ni".. the car is a total wreck. it is the most unforgettable experience ever in my life. being in an intersection of life and death.

right now, i am resting. i dont want to do heavy2 stuffs. but it is the weekend and most of my friends are longing to enjoy.. sigh.. it is a sacrifice i must made lah..

well, till next time la kot. may your days ahead are happy always.

my god, i think that my english has worsen.. serious problem..

100th post~

Tuesday, December 14

oh sh*t

my biggest fear is served on a plate.

after just 5 days of working in office, i am confronted with a fever, flu and headache a bit.

well, that is not my biggest fear. as of yesterday, i almost dozed off while driving back home. at a traffic light. and i am tad lucky that yesterday, the traffic is not as horrible as it used to be. i cant imagine myself in an accident because i am having an accidental nap in the car.

how to curb this? i tried putting the radio on as loud as it can and i try to wiggle myself in the chair with the rhythm of the music. it failed. i tried my best to eat something. it failed. i even dozed off while trying to dance myself at the driver seat. that is horrible!

i am not quite sure what is the source of this epidemic. i guess that it is the by-product of fever + flu + not enough sleep. today, i am wearing sweater all day long until now. i kept on drinking hot plain water = air kosong, xkn zero water kot..

i do hope that yesterday's disease is a yesterday's disease and not a plague that will haunt me for the next 8 months.

to cheer things up, i had had lunch with Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar. the chairman of SC! there was this end of year party being held for my business group (within the business group, there are numerous other dept including mine) and almost all of the executive director was there. despite those bad remarks about her and her husband, i do believe that SC would not just choose a bad person to be a chairman.

that is all for now, and FYI syahmi, i do my updates here cause when i got back home, i want to rest and not to dwell on any mental activities. lol.

till next time~

Monday, December 13

The Start of Something Brilliant! I guess

12 hours of the day, maybe 13 hours, spent by doing this:

6.30 am, wake up from my routine sleep.
6.50 am, start the journey to Mont Kiara
7.45 am, arrive at SC
12.30 pm, go lunch
2.00 pm, go back to the (workdesk 1 and 1/2 hour lunch time! :D)
2.30 pm, zohor (tetap gune waktu len utk solat kan!)
4.45 pm, asar
5.15 pm, start the journey back home
7.00 pm, arrive home. (notice the time difference here?)

noteworthy statements: KL is full of cranes and lorries and bulldozers that is also using the road during peak hours. how menacing.. why dont you go to your workplace or from your workplace to your home using something else. something must be done to curb this.. sigh..

in irony, i got to listen to those morning crews from various radios more often now. they are kinda funny and always do funny stuffs.

oh ya, instead of hoping for a better internet connection, i guess i should have not expect more out of it.

thats all, gotta go back to work..