Friday, October 2


know about one song?

sang by shakira.. named shewolf..
besides than the irrecogniseable lyrics, i like the part where she howls like a wolf.. really mesmerizing to hear that.. theres a special aura surrounding the howls... its like something really cute.. the way shakira howls it..
auww.. with a pinch of seductiveness, the howls rang perfect to my ears.. hehe..

p/s : geli gk a bace balek bnde kt atas ni.. lalala...

1 comment:

  1. hahaha. comelkan lagu tu?
    i very like like... :D

    btw, mmg mcm agak geli la aku bce post ko.

    anyways, aku follow blog ko.. ko tahu taaakk..
    *sila rujuk list of followers anda*

    ko kena jadi follower aku jugak!
    aku tak desperate ni.. tak.. tak...

    terima kasih


anything to say?