just behind the corner is Hari Raya..
just right in front of me is finance test, dcn assignment, oop lab test...
my view to the annual Hari Raya is blocked completely and i don't like it!
the festive mood is not there.. yes, as i wrote about this, many more people are suffocating behind their books or laptop to study or to complete their respective assignments...
their view towards raya is also blocked and being taken away from them...
gosh.. cant they be considerate.. i pity them..
well, as i laboured through the books and notes tonight, i will be thinking about others who are deprived of their right to celebrate raya..
anyway, selamat hari raya to all!
p/s : sdh sbb ade test n byk ag bnde eventhough da dkt nk cuti.. pas cuti ag la byk bnde... T_T
anda ditag :D