those loses are grief and always will have an impact on me.
i held on to one phrase, God knows the plan for everyone and only He knows the best for us.
not just that i believe that God has planned for me to embrace death of my colleagues in the early days of my life (i'm 20, not 60), i believe that God has reasons to take away his precious and bright life as well.
i need to move on. and my resolutions are:
revive back the blog that i have left deserted. its one of those ways of me saying what i always wanted to say. expressing alone is fruitfull for me. i'll post as many things as i can in this blog of mine.
change the url of this blog. no more of the stupid alteringalterations(yes, i admit, it is stupid). it would give me a fresh feeling about this blog. the url is therealmukhariz, not because i am a narcissistic person but it is because the url mukhariz is taken already by a kid! and that is not even his real name! what a bomb!
no more of secrecy. i mean, i always put layers among layers in my writings that in the end, i cant even recall what i have wrote before. i wont put that anymore, i would try to be straight to the point. maybe one layer of secrecy is enough. ;)
why changes that change us: simple, i just want to share the changes in my life and hopefully give impact to those who experience almost the same changes that i went through. the tagline before this is lame and not objective. now, i will write those of my changes rather than writing to change the world. kids stuff.
i have to admit, since writing about my personal dwellings in my blog, i can move on easier. i am not such a story teller person. i need a medium to express those things. in the end, the blog is the easiest way of doing so.
well, i guess thats a lot of resolutions. i hope that one day, i will benefit from all of the minutes spent of this blog. i have to sign out, got a chapter to read before i sleep. have a nice day everyone.
p/s: please refer to me as mukhariz and not moqa or mocca or paroi or paroy. all those, are not me. just a nickname. thanks.
kehilangan itu mengajar banyak erti
take ur time
everything will be ok
gud luck driving esok poksu~~~ :D
kalu fail cmne??????
yes. move on. you have your life ahead of the real mukhariz must practice what he preaches. by then a leader is born.