Thursday, July 30

the end of a beginning

in the Chancellor Hall
28 July 2009
3.30 pm

tgn kiri ke depan~
ke belakang~
depan, belakang~
dan goyangkan~

as these words rings in my ears, i cant help but to burst into tears.. maybe some notice it but maybe not.. i hide my face behind the songkok while i tried so hard to wipe up the tears.. its bittersweet.. its so emotional at the time.. its so enjoyable yet so sad... with all the work and efforts put into this.. with all the memories and joy... i just wish that it lasted forever.. i fell like i have lost lots of things right after this.. what will happen is just be a happy memories not just for me but to all of the organising committees...

the tears that fall.. it meant a lot.. even when i leave high school, i dont cry... but this.. its just strike me so hard... to think that i need to depart with all of them and will not work together again.. would not be able to cheer the same thing and not be able to complain about the same problems.. its the departure that hurts me a lot.. even though none of us died but the relationship that has been created will not be the as the same again... its about the realtionship that i cried about..

how do i get better once i have had the best.. i just hope that time will stay and never moved... its the only time when i feel comfortable about me and others.. really..

i miss u guys.. i miss das.. i miss working with the das committees... i miss the exhaustion that make me sick for a day.. i miss the excitement... i miss the tommy.. i miss it all.. 25 - 28 july 2009.. will never be erased from my memory.. thank you to evryone involved in DAS 2009!



  1. wcme2..haa..tibe2 je..aku x join pn..haaha

  2. ouh.
    comel sngt lagu itu

  3. aiye = akhirnye berambut pendek da ko.. haha.. kalau ko wt senam tommy tu mesti lg sonok.. haha..

    atul = hehe.. HOD yg best! sonok ber'darg' ngn ko.. haha..

    sha = nk ke lagu tu? tny la gowe.. hehe

  4. laa. nangis ke.. xtau pun.. huhu~

    actly time tu ble moqa gtau yg xchat, sj j la distance sbb phm org tgh pning2 sume. last2 dia nangis dlm songkok :P

    event je yg da abis. friendship tak putus kan? ;)

    nnt kte wat reunion pastu nyanyi tommmy2.. haha :D

  5. btul tu irda~ frenship never ends! hehe.. tommy2 tommy2 :D

  6. ala..i know we shuldnt go back early that day to see ur tears..heheh

  7. u cried moqa??unbelievable..hehe..but, that is the fact ryte..bila dh syg 2, nk berpisah mst lah rase sdey kn..lg2 nk berpisah ngan 'kami' yg hot n sweet ni..hahaha

  8. Moqa...wawa...go DAS go..terkedu aku seraya hati terkesima tatkala mutiara air mata merutun untuk keluar dari mataku...sedih sangat post kau neh...

  9. Moqa...wawa...go DAS go..terkedu aku seraya hati terkesima tatkala mutiara air mata merutun untuk keluar dari mataku...sedih sangat post kau neh...

  10. moqa cpt2...tukatr link blog aku kat associates dlm blog kau tuh...wawawa

  11. oh moqa..
    unik betul post ni..

    *tak tau nak komen apa


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