this is the last post for this semester..
its the end.. i cant believe it..
DAS, MMU ramadhan IV, debate workshop...
only those two, but it brings a lot of impact on what is coming...
hurmm.. its the spices of this life rite..
people changes.. the one that existed before now gone.. undoubtedly..
well.. i guess its time for me to rest my head n head for a new beginning..
i hope that i can cope with these inevitable future..
excited but also nervous and thrilled to face these things..
last but not least, this sem is absolutely better than the last one..
i might not be able to update this in quite a while.. no internet at home.. therefore, pls understand that i m not going to let this blog bersawang..
til then.. adieu... ^_^
Thursday, November 26
Wednesday, November 25
well.. da lme xupdate blog.. there are multiple reasons why this blog has been in silence..
most of u know it rite....
i have been spending all these days after 18th nov (paper hbs) up until now in UTP by
studying, reading case studies, eseiment dude! and etc..
ok.. stop those crap! i aint fooling nobody.. darn it..
ignorance is bliss... but i noe for sure that these enjoyable moments wont last forever.. the tide is changing and i am starting to be in front of a stockpile of workloads!
hope that i can endure these tiring change of times..
btw, its all over.. not just the semester is gone.. but the whole year is gone.. i have evolved into a better person than before i hope.. :)
i dn have picts to depicts the year.. i m sory. too lazy to find one and post one here.. nk men game sgt ni sbnrnye.. :)
til next year lads.. the memories never die and i will always cherish it in my life.. nite n gudluck to all of u yg ngah berexam.. :)
most of u know it rite....
i have been spending all these days after 18th nov (paper hbs) up until now in UTP by
studying, reading case studies, eseiment dude! and etc..
ok.. stop those crap! i aint fooling nobody.. darn it..
ignorance is bliss... but i noe for sure that these enjoyable moments wont last forever.. the tide is changing and i am starting to be in front of a stockpile of workloads!
hope that i can endure these tiring change of times..
btw, its all over.. not just the semester is gone.. but the whole year is gone.. i have evolved into a better person than before i hope.. :)
i dn have picts to depicts the year.. i m sory. too lazy to find one and post one here.. nk men game sgt ni sbnrnye.. :)
til next year lads.. the memories never die and i will always cherish it in my life.. nite n gudluck to all of u yg ngah berexam.. :)
Tuesday, November 10
exam july09..
hi.. sempena start paper esok, nk wish sume, slamat berexam! smoge maju jaya!
haih... kalau ade buku tu, aku da lme da bce... huuuuu
p/s : gud luck sume... :D
Sunday, November 8
dlm ni, xde kakcik! kak cik yg berusaha mengambil gmbr! haha..
note : yg rmbut pjg tu my bro k! bkn pmpuan tu..
memories last forever~
note : yg rmbut pjg tu my bro k! bkn pmpuan tu..
memories last forever~
its a memorable journey~
xde idea da smpai kne ltk gmbr ni...
lol.. btw, ni bkn kt cameron pny k!
lol.. btw, ni bkn kt cameron pny k!

ni gmbr classical! tym f3 dlu.. kitorg g melaka tym ni~ sonok seyh~
btw, gmbr ni unik.. bercahaya kitorg.. cm angel~ lol..
btw, try la cari aku!

haa! ni one of the most lates pics.. ni gmbr grupmates finance!
kitorg berjaya me'rock' kn presentation! yeah!
hrp2 dpt CW tggi la ye.. T_T

small reunions of PRS smapk! (eventhough dlm pix ni xsume prs kn.. :) )
several da fly da pn~ huuuu...
smoge berjaye sume dlm bidang msg2~
several da fly da pn~ huuuu...
smoge berjaye sume dlm bidang msg2~

ni namenye harith tgh melahar! haha.. gurau je..
ni b4 present finance.. nk hilangkn neves.. lol.. neves la sgt!
ni b4 present finance.. nk hilangkn neves.. lol.. neves la sgt!
p/s : bosan di kala nk final.. doa kn kami..
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